Vidyasagar Infotech College

(Affiliated to Saurashtra University)

Principal's Message

Vidyasagar Infotech college places the highest value on comprehensive, professional, and socially relevant education incorporating curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that enable every student at the college to acquire skills essential for facing the challenges of life whether personal, family, community or professional.

Our main aim is to build the powers of human mind and spirit. We aim to evaluate our students on the basis of their physical, mental, social, emotional and intellectual development.

I feel proud to acknowledge the contribution of highly qualified, dynamic and multi-talented faculty, non-teaching staff and my students for this. We have to move ahead continuously for producing and maintaining the best.

I behalf of Vidyasagar Infotech College family welcome all the students and wish you all the best for achieving greater success and scaling new heights in the coming session.

Message for my students:
Whatever is done must be done with passion for only in that lies perfection. Never let fear or embarrassment keep you from participating in activities that interest you because only because of them you can find the real you.

The deepest regret in life is always for not doing what you wanted to. Let that not become a part of you. Also never betray the trust of someone for that is the most fragile and precious bond of all. Once broken, it can never be salvaged. Above all, never get so involved in what you are doing that you forget to enjoy yourselves. The secret of your success lies in your own happiness and well being...